
Within the school's Safeguarding Policy are references to documents - the titles of which are in blue - that can be read in conjunction with the policy. These documents are known as The Portfolio and can be found below in alphabetical order.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding Newsletter September 2024

Document Title
Lancashire continuum of need and thresholds guidance
The Children Act 1989
The Children Act 2004
Education Act 2002
Prevent duty guidance (England and Wales)
ACPO lead position on self taken images
Brook traffic light tool
Code of conduct
CSE Guidance core document
EYFS statutory framework
Guidance for safer working practices
Keeping children safe in education
Links and policies
Multi agency statutory guidance on FGM
Keeping children safe in education (Part 1)
Record keeping guidance
Risk management toolkit
SCR audit screen
Searching screening confiscation advice September
Sexting in schools and colleges
Staff declaration form disqualification
Thresholds guidance 2016
Brook traffic light tool guidance
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
What to do if you are worried a child is being abused
Whistleblowing policy
Working together to safeguard children
WPEH request for support form
LCC Safeguarding Induction Pack
What to do if you suspect a child is being sexually exploited
Allegations Against Persons who Work with Children (including Carers and Volunteers)
Behaviour Policy
Dealing with Bullying
Attendance Policy
Children Missing Education Statutory Guidance