Outcome of consultation on the proposals to become an academy and join the Blessed Edward Bamber Catholic Multi Academy Trust on 1st September 2022
Consultation on the proposals closed on Friday 3rd December 2021, 3pm and the Governing Body met on 8th December 2021 to discuss the feedback received from all stakeholders as part of the consultation process.
After careful consideration the Governing Body have taken the decision to proceed with an application to the Department for Education for the school to become an academy and join the Blessed Edward Bamber Catholic Multi Academy Trust on 1st September 2022.
If the application to the Department of Education is successful then the next steps will be to complete the legal work to complete the process; this work will take place in the spring term and be completed in time for 1st September 2022.
Although the formal consultation process is now closed, the Governing Body will welcome any further questions or comments about the process that you may have, please direct these to the Headteacher in the first instance or, if you would prefer, write to me via the Clerk of the Governing Body.
The Governing Body would like to thank everyone that made the time and effort to respond to the proposals.
Steve Doherty
Chair of Governors